The primary organization responsible for the development of this rifle is the 205th Armory, with technical assistance from unspecified domestic and foreign firms.
EPA is granting access to these individuals because they represent the primary organizations that will be involved in water contamination planning and response.
In particular, it was the primary organization which carried out the Holocaust.
The Society is the state's primary organization for collecting, preserving, and sharing Granite State history.
The Texas Democratic Party is the primary organization responsible for increasing the representation of its ideological base in state, district, county, and city government.
It is the primary professional organization for baseball coaches at the amateur level.
The primary American professional organization of psychophysiological research.
Its primary organization was Students for a Democratic Society.
In addition they participate in debate with primary organizations of community workers, peasants, urban poor, youth and women about what makes health public policy.
In 2008 YFU again became a primary administrative organization for the grant.