The primary instructors are doctors with extensive backgrounds in emergency and disaster medicine.
Students, he said, are the primary instructors for about 9 percent of the enrollment in Yale College, little changed over the last decade.
In addition to these responsibilities, the officers are the primary instructors for their cadet corps or squadron assisted by senior cadets.
In the USA a teaching fellow is an advanced graduate student who serves as the primary instructor for an undergraduate course.
She became one of four primary instructors in electronic music at the center and also served as director.
When Platon learned months later that his daughter had begun dancing lessons, he took the news in his stride, becoming her primary instructor.
Johnson's brother also served as his primary instructor and prepared him for higher education.
You were his primary instructor in our Craft.
The militiamen had already been broken down into six mixed platoons and assigned their two primary instructors.
And his primary instructor in vice was a young banker, Duncan Trice.