The primary incentive for the companies' voluntary participation would be the addition of a "slave free" label.
Google's version of a Dutch auction would eliminate a primary incentive for placing high bids.
"Cable systems have the primary incentive to carry the programs that people want."
Getting the subsidies was initially the primary incentive; upgrades of all kinds were routinely required in the coming years.
The creditor's primary incentive is to recover funds that would otherwise be lost if the debtor filed for bankruptcy.
Pyramid sales plans, where a participant's primary incentive is based on the sales made by an ever-increasing number of participants.
Members of the corps enjoy legal immunity, a primary incentive for joining.
Our primary incentive is to provide optimal health care.
In the big-science heyday of the 1960's, jobs and other economic factors were not the primary incentives for exploration and development.
The practice was also connected to tax law, which provided the primary incentive for distilleries to participate.