These issues may also involve other workers in primary healthcare, such as receptionists and managers.
It also contributed to health sector by training for primary healthcare.
There is little apparent concern that men underuse primary healthcare, and are consequently less likely to be referred to mental health services.
The Lifeline Clinic is entirely funded by voluntary donations and provides primary healthcare to over 3,500 patients a year.
The aim is to improve access to primary healthcare and medicines as well as to strengthen the local healthcare systems.
Education and primary healthcare are key factors in the development of a society.
Since the drug can be administered orally, it has great potential to reduce maternal mortality rates in developing countries where primary healthcare is often unavailable.
Many providers will also manage your primary healthcare needs as well.
The problem of tuberculosis and of other diseases will not be solved without high-quality public health services accessible to the entire population, including primary healthcare.
The organization started to work through providing both primary and secondary healthcare, and then expanded the scope of its work to education.