The majority of teenagers entering drug treatment programs list marijuana as their primary drug of abuse.
Marijuana remained the primary drug used by adolescents.
The primary drug is interferon alfa, which is successful in 50% of children.
Heroin and Cocaine are the primary drugs produced in the countries which have been under the control of cartels for decades.
Until last year, Neurontin was approved only for use in epilepsy as an add-on medicine when the patient's primary drug did not work.
A majority of the people who enter Phoenix House identify crack as their primary drug.
The primary drug there, as in all the English regions, was cannabis, followed by alcohol.
Acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir are currently the primary drugs used for treatment.
It's usually taken in spurts periodically, but not often, to enhance the effects of other primary drugs like marijuana or alcohol.
Amphetamines became the primary illicit drug until the late 1960s, when cannabis became more popular.