The other follows the primary defeat of the incumbent Democrat, Harry Oxman.
Several other staff members were expected to leave or be dismissed from the campaign in the wake of the primary defeat, advisers said.
Gravel would later comment that by the time of his primary defeat, he had alienated "almost every constituency in Alaska."
The race still stands as the closest anyone has come to a primary defeat of an incumbent governor of Hawaii.
The trick is to turn that primary tactical "defeat" into a campaign strategic asset.
Following the primary defeat, Javits ran as the Liberal Party candidate in the general election.
It was the end of a long haul for Mr. Lieberman, whose primary defeat rocked the national political landscape earlier in the year.
The 1998 primary defeat brought an end to Ferraro's political career.
Lieberman dismissed Smith as his campaign manager the morning after Lieberman's primary defeat on August 8.
Cannon's primary defeat spurred worry among Republican incumbents.