Morgan was the primary architect of the proposal, which could reduce Mexico's bank debt by as much as $20 billion.
Tlacaelel was one of the primary architects of the Aztec empire.
Mr. Bonham is recognized as the primary architect of the spinoff strategy.
The primary architect of the project is not a former soldier but a victim of Canadian war policy himself.
They are also being asked to become the primary architects for new curriculums at their schools.
And he is the primary architect of the tax policies the President wants enacted this year, including a lower capital gains tax.
As Foreign Minister he was the primary architect of that policy.
He was also the only one of the National Art Schools' three primary architects to remain in the country following the mid-1960s.
Wheeljack was the primary architect of the Dinobots, although they rarely seemed to have any particular affinity for him.
The administration will try to keep the process on track without being perceived as its primary architect, senior officials said.