Its diet revolves primarily around small insects, which it scrounges up and feeds on close to the ground.
A man of Russian descent, his military career primarily revolves around secret research, though he is also noted as an excellent tactician.
The plot of the film revolves primarily around a vacationing family who lose their way on a road trip.
The local origination television content revolves primarily around community interest, developed by individuals and nonprofit organizations.
Strategy primarily revolves around limiting opposing team shots on goal.
The series primarily revolves around young children who are either witnesses or victims of crimes committed in India.
Improvements to the new version primarily revolve around speed and stability.
The economy of Awka city revolves primarily around government since many state and federal institutions are located there.
Till now, it primarily revolved around activities in the worlds of culture and boating.
Being hyper-intelligent and extremely young, Bean's experiences revolve primarily around his need for food.