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Primarily herbivorous, the chuckwalla eats creosote bush flowers, leaves, fruit, and occasionally insects.
V. moorii is primarily herbivorous, and may also feed on aquatic invertebrates.
Although primarily herbivorous, they may also eat small invertebrates.
A few species are primarily herbivorous.
Edible dormice are primarily herbivorous, feeding mainly on berries, apples, and nuts.
It is arboreal and primarily herbivorous, although it can be an opportunistic carnivore.
They had lengths of 2.5 (8.2 ft) to 10 m (33 ft) and were primarily herbivorous.
Uromastyx are primarily herbivorous, but occasionally eat insects, especially when young.
Most non-piranhas in the family are primarily herbivorous.
This leaf eating beetle is primarily herbivorous and secondarily graminivorous.