He saw color as a boundless cosmic field stirring primal emotions and mystical thoughts.
In his case, he finds clues to those primal emotions in the behavior of America's money-managers.
That 1956 cult film is about an angry scientist whose primal emotions make hostile technology come alive on an alien planet.
In pyromaniacs, all these primal emotions get twisted up.
His release of power on the other plane had been a reaction to primal emotions, not consciously conjured, but forced by events around him.
The debate over how to construe an unfair past and establish a more just future stirs primal emotions.
For all their own intellectuality, the Woosterians tap into dark, primal emotions, too.
As it was, the primal emotion was, no doubt, envy.
Why would Verdi care about cogent plot development when this story touched such primal emotions?
But science may never resolve a debate involving such primal emotions.