Abotani is considered the primal ancestor of the Tani group of people in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh - such as the Apatani, Nyishi, Adi, Galo, Tagin, Hill Miri and the Mising peoples.
In olden days, she recalled, now lost in the haze of myth and legend, her primal ancestors were said to have been prophets, mystics, and seers.
"Firstly because our primal ancestors already believed them; secondly, because we possess proofs which have been handed down to us from antiquity, and thirdly because it is forbidden to raise the question of their authenticity at all."
The roots may be related to an older legend concerning the primal ancestors of the village Tenganan, the king Kaung and his wife Keling.
"Trading," for Humans, was more than an exchange of goods, it was what hunting had been to my primal ancestors.
But when they reared their colossal city, man's primal ancestors had not yet risen from the slime of the primordial seas.
Le-eyo is a primal ancestor in Maasai mythology.
Indeed, according to his calculations, Man's primal ancestors were not yet conceived when G'harne's towering ramparts first reared their monolithic sculptings to predawn skies.
By the standards which he knew, he, too, was vogue--utterly vogue, as was the primal ancestor before the first eviction.
(It could be the primal ancestor of whatever ails Ms. Kolodziejczak.)