'Now Paul,' she said, in the prim voice he knew so well.
"You will not have the peace and quiet that a writer needs to do his best work," Harold said in an amusingly prim voice.
"Very nice, thank you," answered a prim little voice from the dusk below, for only the glow of the fire filled the room just then.
She kept her voice prim, trying to make up for her earlier indelicacy.
"Simulation over," the computer announced in a prim little voice.
She said in a different, rather prim voice, "Well, thank you anyway for having listened to the story.
"Your evolution resulted from the interaction of two opposing processes," its prim voice intoned.
"Oh," she said in that prim little no-nonsense voice that just cracked him up.
She said, in a funny, plummy, prim voice,"Thank you ever so much for the lift.
He spoke to Cleo in a prim voice.