The 43rd Council District, which extends from Bay Ridge into Dyker Heights and Bensonhurst, is an area of prim houses and busy shopping thoroughfares.
We turned the corner into Josh d'Souza's new estate of prim and proper weatherboarded houses, and I directed the driver to his cul-de-sac.
Olivia was tired and hungry and unhappy, and the sight of the prim, net-curtained houses depressed her still further.
The rain and the neighborhood and the prim little house were giving me the creeps.
Prince Albert Road proved to be a street of small prim houses, all exactly alike, with neat lace curtains re'fling the windows, and well-polished brass knockers on the doors.
From her office she could just make out the heavily wooded park and prim white houses, there were schools and light manual industries, an open-air sports amphitheatre, a technical college, the artists' colony.
In Knoxville, a cautionary "Children Walking" sign stands in front of a prim white house.
It was a prim, low, white house with a sloping Victorian veranda painted a faded green.
It was a prim and dignified house but all its primness couldn't resist its own red front door which was just like an impish tongue sticking out of its face.
A neat house, this, neat and prim.