The priest said a few words, dropped dirt on the grave, and withdrew.
The priest opened his suitcase and withdrew a small data brick from beneath an antique telephone directory.
Then the priest, muttering something about wanting another look at the garden, withdrew politely to give Lancelot a chance to speak with me in private.
Morgan asked, as the priest withdrew the box and placed it on the table.
Bowing, the priest withdrew through another door and closed it.
The priest had withdrawn to the farthest corner and the god merely stared.
After a public outcry, the priest apologized, withdrew his support and insisted he had never questioned the Holocaust.
Afterwards, at Taita's subtle suggestion, the high priest withdrew and left him alone to make his preparations for the evening.
The priest in the gaudy robe withdrew his hands from the ends of his sleeves and he billowed a bit.
The priest withdrew and quickly pulled on a dressing gown over his pajamas.