During Mass, a herd of cows sauntered by, and when one mooed loudly, the priest exclaimed that even the animals try to sing on this special day.
The priest exclaims that things had turned out worse.
The priest slapped his forehead and exclaimed, 'Is that the only reason you can see for baptism?'
The priest throws a shuriken at a fly whilst planning the exorcism and exclaims "Right.
Thu Szuovd and she Flame "Very goodi" exclaimed the old priest.
By Amon," exclaimed a weary voice which I knew as that of the Prince, "here come more councillors or priests.
The moment of destruction begins as the priests exclaim ritual sentences to the volcano, while the Spaniards ("white men") approach.
The mortally wounded priest exclaimed, "My God, my God!"
Carried into a nearby cottage, he called for a priest, whereupon a mysterious figure forced his way in, exclaimed, 'I will shrive thee!'
"Welcome to Christ's Church," the priest was exclaiming.