Some priests argue that pedophilia and related forms of sexual abuse are no worse in the priesthood than in any other profession.
"The King is the living image of Chronos," the priest argued.
The 72-year-old priest and sociologist argues that Catholic dogma should adjust itself to the social and cultural realities of Asia.
But that had been half a century ago, and now most Catholics and many priests were arguing against it.
Drought, famine, or even a war yet to come: the priests would argue as to which it was.
This I cannot answer, nor, I have come to realize, can anyone else, no matter how loudly they-particularly priests of certain gods-might argue otherwise.
Homais and the priest argue about religion.
For two more days, Abraham was left hanging, while the priest argued with the city council that a true Christian should not be punished in this way.
Besides, most of the stars the priests argue about don't actually exist anymore.
The priest had argued at some length with the warrior in the spotted skin, and Hal sensed that his own fate had been the topic.