Motorists could then be billed monthly, according to flexible pricing formulas for time-of-day use and miles driven.
Schools vary in terms of their pricing formulas; some consider home equity as a factor while others disregard it.
Until the overseers changed the pricing formula in late 2001, Iraq's oil sold at a discount compared with similar oil from other producers.
Some incentives are indeed gimmicks, either of marginal value or with a cost that already has been built into the project's pricing formula.
Such considerations as a group's average age, gender, industry, geography or medical history may not be used in the pricing formula.
The above forward pricing formula can also be written as:
Go back to the pricing formula above.
Though the racing association may not be maximizing the revenue it could bring in on Belmont Day, the pricing formula is clearly working.
Instead, there is a correction to the forward pricing formula given by the convenience yield .
At the land title agency, he said, they have a pricing formula, depending on the size and location of your plot.