The second is composed of homes other people or you have sold years ago and the prices in this tier have now zoomed right off the chart.
The price zoomed as high as $6 a share, only to fall back to $2.75.
As prices for apartments and brownstones zoom ever upward, mixed-use space is becoming more appealing.
The stock's price zoomed to more than $17 a share during trading Tuesday on a daily volume of 14 million shares, up $10 from a week earlier.
The offering, on June 12, was priced at $26, but in the first day of trading, the price zoomed to close at $31.50, leaving investors bragging about getting on board.
The energy savings from updated standards would not be trivial at a time when prices for oil and natural gas have zoomed.
That turned out to be harder than it should have been, and during the years of internecine warfare the price zoomed to $500 million.
That does not mean prices will zoom, but it might alarm investors who have assumed inflation is dead.
As the boom fueled the real estate market, and the city failed to build much new affordable housing, prices in better neighborhoods zoomed out of reach.
The price of housing in this city has really zoomed the last couple of years.