The higher prices are spurring producers to reopen gas wells closed last winter and to search for new reserves.
High prices had spurred more drilling for gas, leading to an increase in supplies.
But while the new competition and lower prices expected after April 1 will spur growth, the path ahead for investors will still be tricky.
Those low prices eventually spurred members into renewed agreements and obedience.
In both cases, high prices spurred fresh production.
The higher price during the bubble has spurred new prospecting and reopening of old mines.
Too high a price would throw the world into recession, cutting demand, and would spur a search for substitutes.
Ford is hoping the lower prices will spur sales, as it did last year.
This time, high prices have spurred drilling: there are 915 drilling rigs at work, up about 50 percent over last year.
Corn futures advanced because of a belief that recently plunging prices have spurred export interest.