Sainsbury's move was a repeat of last year's price promotion.
Slow sales very early on and continuing price promotions by many retailers have hurt.
Even small supermarket chains, which are very dependent on big manufacturers for cooperative advertising and price promotions, do not expect much change.
Macy's strategy is to increase sales with less price promotion, and there seems to have been little addtional discounting in the most recent quarter.
Customer behavior is more price-driven than ever, and all the retailers are having price promotions.
The current sales trend, they said uniformly, is good enough not to require any additional price promotions.
It sometimes includes sales force spending and may also include price promotions.
Or perhaps they are just doing a better job of turning price promotions to their advantage.
Looking ahead to next year, furriers are hoping to curb the price promotions that cut into profits.
They're keeping their inventories low and cutting back on price promotions, which hurt gross profits.