Although these two items are heavily weighted, many analysts tend to discount them when looking for clues to future price performance.
This means that the price performance of the bond is better than that of the note.
Meanwhile, as the overall price performance suggests, most major market indexes declined during the period.
If the economy really does turn around, then default rates are going to come down and price performance of the bonds ought to be pretty good.
All the figures include price performance only, ignoring dividends.
They identify the top 25 to 35 percent of the companies in their universe based on earnings growth and 12-month price performance.
They want the bonds for their potential price performance not the yield.
But as of 2005, Digital8 has been relegated to the entry-level camcorder market, where price, not performance, is the driving factor.
The market has been depressed by years of bad price performance and undermined by oversupply.
The Swedish government guarantees the price, performance and operational suitability of the aircraft.