A Frank Lloyd Wright oak spindle-arm chair (circa 1908) is being offered as one of the highest priced items in the sale.
The low-risk profit opportunity exists through the tool of arbitrage, which, briefly, is buying and selling differently priced items of the same value, and pocketing the difference.
AuctionWorld Reserve sold higher guide priced items, and Chase-it.
The craft shop has several reasonably priced items that made for great gifts for my family.
Prices would also not end in 9 or 7, instead using whole figures when pricing items.
These items included many of those in the toy department as well as smaller, low priced items (such as batteries, film, and video cassettes).
I priced last-minute items and polished the keys on six vintage typewriters that had not been used since the late 1960's.
A wise idea is to price major items at home before your vacation.
Mama was supposed to be there pricing items for a rummage sale, but she'd gone somewhere.
Retailers could price items so that they must be rounded up.