In addition to that, the prices of wool and diamonds, our other major exports, have crashed.
The story was supposed to be that prices would crash in 2006, and a strong buyer's market will emerge.
It last passed that mark a year ago, when prices were crashing.
After it started up, price of oil and natural gas crashed.
If significant gasoline is made from coal, the price of oil and natural gas will crash, just like it did in 1998.
Indeed, American efforts notwithstanding, the crop has grown so fast that prices crashed in 1990.
When Prohibition stopped in 1933, the price of grapes crashed to below $24 per ton.
"But when we turn it loose, the prices inevitably will crash."
But within three years the price of oil had crashed and companies throughout the region were laying off people.
In '96, we had a record harvest, and the prices crashed.