Are there legal restrictions on retail price maintenance, price collusion, or price discrimination?
That instead of bringing prices down trought competition it may actually go up through price collusion.
Insurers deny having taken advantage of the exemption to engage in price collusion, and they defend the exemption, saying it may improve competition.
The same for blacklists, price collusion, and a host of other unfair and anti-consumer business tactics.
Orbitz executives respond that since all the fares are made public on the site, price collusion would be easily spotted.
In 2006, the government of France fined 13 perfume brands and three vendors for price collusion between 1997 and 2000.
By December, it had concluded, "excessive pricing and price collusion are likely."
Next, what possible evidence is there of any price collusion by oil companies?
The industry has often been accused of price collusion, but investigations have never turned up evidence.
Last year, a federal judge approved a settlement in which all seven pleaded guilty to charges of price collusion.