Meals were priced at 50 cents each and everyone had to bring their own bed.
When she got to the shop they wanted one hundred dollars for the magazine which had originally been priced at two cents.
As of June, the latest report available, the bonds were priced at 98 cents on the dollar.
Of course, the books were priced at ten cents.
It was priced at 15 cents, when the average comic cost a dime.
During 1959, Astounding was priced at 50 cents in some areas to find out what the impact would be on circulation.
Priced at five cents a bottle, his brew sold well.
The magazine began as a 160-page digest, priced at 35 cents.
Official distribution began with the second issue (March, 1966), priced at 35 cents.
They are priced at 25 cents and don't move readily, while stacks of them grow ever higher.