Seasonal changes associated with prey abundance are also observed.
The shrew often hoards food, especially in the fall and winter, or during a time of prey abundance.
Global climate change is also affecting these penguins' prey abundance.
The size of a tiger's home range mainly depends on prey abundance, and, in the case of male tigers, on access to females.
This factor alone could lead to the extirpation of one or both species, but is compounded by the added factor of prey abundance.
Vegetation damaged by off-road vehicles can lead to degraded larval habitat and reduced prey abundance.
Records of silt concentration, cover availability, water temperature, and prey abundance should be documented in these areas also.
As many as 10,000 eggs can be produced from large specimens in areas with good prey abundance.
This behavior appears to be regulated by its hunger level and can be construed as an attempt to find an area with more prey abundance.
Reduced prey abundance can lead to starvation.