There are also abnormalities within the Animus from previous users of the device.
You can book for the day, week or longer, and sites are reviewed by previous users.
The previous user had painted a snarling beast's mouth across the palm.
A more immediate risk is the contamination of the water from microbes in the previous user's mouth, even one's own.
That means there's no vibes left over from previous users.
Up came all the sites the previous user of the desktop had visited in the past few months.
He looked for key words in red, indicating a previous user had clicked on them.
A previous user of the review machine had tried to send some faxes which never made it down the wire.
Process design: to define how the model should move from one user to another based on the data/decision made by the previous user.
"Someone had copied the scribbled signature of the previous user."