Another man entered the room, an older doctor whom Covenant recognized as the one who had treated him during his previous stay in the hospital.
The journal looked like someone's diary left over from the previous stay.
During his previous stay at Purdue, Hope was the offensive line coach for Tiller.
H said he had used the pitch during his previous stay with the Yankees in 1981, and later with the California Angels.
I recognized him from his previous stay with his father, of course.
The secluded spot had a fire pit Richard had dug and ringed with rocks during a previous stay, nearly a year before.
She kept whispering tales about her previous stay with the Sons of Hammon.
And it was only then, in the new home, that the boy disclosed all that the agency had missed during his previous stay.
There were still a few sticks of dry wood left from her previous stay.
He knew the handicapped camper from previous stays.