The previous highest ranking was in the 2005 season at 8th in the country.
Change from previous ranking (August 2012) for men and women.
In both the "golden share" mechanisms, the most voted artist gained one slot in the previous ranking.
It had moved up 26 places from its previous ranking of 141.
The Philippines ranked 139th among 180 countries included in the index, up from its previous 141st ranking in 2008.
In the previous ranking, Virginia Tech was second in six computers, third in one and fifth in the other.
Both the real estate and risk management programs retained their previous rankings as second and fourth in the nation, respectively.
St. Louis fares a little better this year, compared to previous rankings as the worst city, and the runner-up worst city for people with asthma.
In 2012, the school was awarded a 'B' ranking by the Florida Department of Education, a full two grade levels above its previous ranking, 'D'.
When the dust settled, CRG returned home ranked 4th in the country, a three-slot improvement over its previous ranking.