Had this been one of his previous postings, or had he been to this place more recently?
His previous diplomatic postings were in the Foreign Office in Bonn, in Belgium and in Italy.
The experience these companies are putting to work is not just in the employee's field of expertise - previous overseas postings can help an application.
He knew that some of them resented the extensive training, no doubt feeling they had already "made their bones" serving in their previous postings.
Deelor rifled through the record of the captain's previous postings, but the list of distinctions grew tedious so Deelor switched to more recent information.
Look for previous postings where they might have served together.
His previous postings were Montevideo (1986) and New York (1988).
Even though she herself had been aboard the ship for a short time compared with others, she still felt a sense of belonging unmatched by any of her previous postings.
In the first article Minerva summarized his previous postings in Daum Agora.
Women from previous postings came to mind--tennis partners, baby-sitters, young wives with promotable husbands.