It featured brighter tones than his previous paintings, and depicted a more open landscape.
In a third picture, a sketch of the same subject done two years after that, the artist could only copy gross details from previous paintings.
This will add to the previous paintings in the Holy of Holies.
During 1915, he presented a painted sketch (№ 239), which was largely consistent with the previous painting.
Similar to the previous painting, this art work is revealing the issue about power inequality and prostitution.
But viewed as one work, these drawings seem to have an entirely different goal than her previous paintings.
All previous painting was like looking out a huge window.
Above all, these works are clean slates after the previous paintings, starting points for a second round of building the images.
Compared with previous paintings, huge in scale, they are relatively small, which encourages the intimacy central to their content.
Despite three previous paintings and numerous still lifes, the painter had not received the critical acclaim which he expected.