From there the brothers started buying worked over claims and mining for smaller stones than previous operators.
Unlike the previous operator, she managed to make a profit every year, but suffered a nervous breakdown in 1926, which forced her to move out.
However, the old metallurgical process used by previous operators is unfit for the recovery of these values.
The agency worked out a deal to pay the town rent of $550 a month, the same as the previous operator.
The previous operator is only true for small displacements.
Again, the previous operator is only true for small time increments.
Under the previous operator, visitors were paying up to 20 percent over spot rate (the current price).
Some of the newer buses from the previous operator have also been introduced into the new system.
They had been owned by a previous operator(s) prior to their service with Unitrans.
The previous operator had been lost in the bush.