Gilmore worked briefly at his uncle's shoe store, but he soon returned to his previous lifestyle, stealing items from stores, drinking, and getting into fights.
Upon his return to the Westmark, he continued his previous lifestyle and spent large sums on purchasing artworks.
It is hinted throughout the series however that Sam's mom knows something about her husband's previous, heroic lifestyle.
Miranda is now mother to son Brady and finds it difficult to work, date, and carry on her previous lifestyle.
No longer allowed to maintain her previous lifestyle, she attempts to soothe her fixation on spots with the help of a German artist named Lars.
Despite the diagnosis of heart valve damage caused by an infection, he continued his previous lifestyle, which involved heavy drinking, marijuana usage, and wild parties.
He can then draw out of the liquid fund to maintain his previous lifestyle and, after determining what is needed, put the rest in longer-term, higher-returning investments.
His goal was the abolition of the encomienda system, which forced the Indians to abandon their previous lifestyle and destroyed their culture.
Throughout the poem, there is also an emphasis on the simple life and the narrator desires to return to his previous idyllic lifestyle.
Eventually, she becomes involved with one of their neighbors, who is also a drug user, and relapses to her previous lifestyle.