As a result of a previous lawsuit, the counties are required to replace the punch cards before March 2.
Industry representatives said such documents were dismissed in a previous lawsuit.
All previous lawsuits against the project -more than two dozen of them - have been decided in the redevelopment project's favor.
Legal scholars said that previous lawsuits by other states against the federal government over so-called unfunded mandates have had mixed success.
The Tribune did not mention the wedding, nor any of the previous lawsuits.
Then there are a number of previous lawsuits over zombie Flash cookies, which have the same goal when it comes to user tracking.
No previous such lawsuit had been successful in court.
As had been the case with the previous lawsuit, this ended in an out-of-court settlement, in 1999.
But previous lawsuits have generally been against a specific firm for a specific collapse.
Despite being widely accepted prior to this court decision, the 25 percent rule's rejection will likely lead to new trials on damages from previous lawsuits.