Much of the avenue will be dominated by condominiums in the future as previous landowners have sold to developers.
Anything below ground remains in the hands of the previous landowner, and the rights to it can be sold to others.
The previous landowner, one Colonel Crown, reportedly left the area during the King Philip's War, and did not return.
Bracken is no longer widespread on Westerdale Moor, since an eradication programme by a previous landowner.
Local leaders, the župani, were replaced by the retainers of the king, who took land from the previous landowners, essentially creating a feudal system.
The name refers to the Rayne family, the previous landowners of the farmland on which Garth intended to build.
Amongst the previous landowners were the de Ros family.
Nowadays a single Turkish family lives in Emen, but it bears no relation to the previous landowner.
The site received its name because the previous landowner, a farmer, built a house on Mound 1, the largest mound.
The previous and subsequent landowners were recorded in the Domesday Book Book along with the area of the ploughland.