Almost all pupil records were saved but books, furniture and the large collection of previous headmaster's portraits were lost.
Later it is revealed that Arthur was in an illicit relationship of his own with the school's previous headmaster, Jack Emmerich.
There are 6 houses in the Senior School named after previous headmasters and notable old boys of the school.
Houses are named after previous headmasters.
Not long after this in December 2010, Mr Kenworthy, the previous headmaster, left.
These houses are named after the previous headmasters except Campbell who was a deputy head.
There are currently six houses, each named after a previous headmaster.
The previous headmaster disappears without saying a word and the new headmaster has a revolutionary idea that threatens to tear the academy apart.
This was named after the previous headmaster, who left in 2003.
However, he seems to have found the regime of the previous headmaster rather too "progressive".