Ford's paintings take their inspiration not directly from nature, but from literature, or previous depictions of nature in paint.
This version of Brak is even more childlike and friendly than any previous depiction of him.
He is portrayed as tougher and more rude than previous depictions.
The elaborate architectural assemblages that dominated previous depictions disappear in Mantegna's painting.
This characterization is strongly at odds with Machine Man's previous depiction as a friendly and logical individual.
Thus, the teenage Live Wire was far more reckless and rebellious than any previous depiction of Garth.
The table was first described in 1155 by Wace, who relied on previous depictions of Arthur's fabulous retinue.
Their songbird was a happy nightingale that lacked the melancholic feel of previous poetic depictions.
The challenge for Holocaust documentarians is often to find something new, unlike any previous depictions.