The previous commission on domestic tickets was 10 percent with no cap.
He also said previous commissions had examined these issues, making further inquiries unnecessary.
Four previous commissions each endorsed about 85 percent of the Defense Department's recommendations to close, consolidate or shift military sites.
The problem is that, under pressure from media conglomerates, previous commissions have eviscerated the renewal process.
The four previous base-closing commissions endorsed 85 percent of the military's recommendations.
And he does deserve credit for trying to act in an area that previous commissions have ignored.
Four previous base-closing commissions have endorsed 85 percent of the Pentagon's recommendations.
Following this the Desai Commission was set up to complete the previous commission's work in 24 hours.
But the legality of the previous commission's appointment remains a topic of debate.
It was established in 1948 by seven countries bordering the river, replacing previous commissions that had also included representatives of non-riparian powers.