Late tonight, the Kurds reverted to their previous assertion that they controlled the city.
Scientists have long tried to find planets outside the solar system, but previous assertions that planets had been detected did not withstand scientific scrutiny.
This research is primarily based on previous assertions that ethnic minorities are more likely to experience distress and express apprehension about the rigors of college.
This directly contradicted to Ahern's previous assertion that the money was from his salary.
North Korea repeated its previous assertion that the submarine was on an innocent training mission when engine trouble sent it drifting.
But the discovery of any plutonium at all contradicts previous assertions, the consultants said.
But first on a morning television show, she seemed to tone down her previous assertion that a right-wing conspiracy had orchestrated the accusations.
But this contradicts his previous assertion that pure concepts simply exist in the human mind and are not based on pure, schematic perceptions.
Nothing in the report, however, contradicts previous assertions by tobacco companies that they halted paid product placement more than a decade ago.
Thorne's previous assertion became a test of this new policy, and proceedings against him continued.