The previous emperor is never referred to by any specific name.
The accident he referred to was the famous one in which the previous emperor had been killed.
Being a Saxon, he gave more attention to the region than previous emperors.
Unlike previous emperors, he openly used the army to back his authority, and paid them well to do so.
He dressed in the formal style of the previous Emperor, even though it was forbidden, and kept dangerous company.
Instead, the throne reverted to a male relative who was related on his father's side to a previous emperor.
As his father had rebelled against two previous emperors, the younger Henry was often in exile.
On many occasions, however, there was no interregnum, as a new king had been elected during the lifetime of the previous Emperor.
The Shōwa period was longer than the reign of any previous Japanese emperor.
He also adopted the name "Augustus" as the two previous emperors had done at their accessions.