In fact, his mines had a rate of preventable accidents that were 3 times the national average".
Mr. Putin addressed his cabinet on the matter shortly after a series of seemingly preventable accidents - a fire in Moscow's main television tower and the sinking of the Kursk nuclear submarine.
"Yes, it's a pilot error," he said, "and yes, the pilot will be blamed, but this was a preventable accident."
By allowing these people to die in preventable accidents, by not monitoring as carefully as I should have done, I destroyed a part of myself.
Employees who have driven one or more years without a preventable accident and whose performance is otherwise highly satisfactory and who meet standards and decisions of the National Safety Council regarding preventable and non-preventable accidents are eligible for consideration.
Elderly drivers may be blamed by some for readily preventable accidents, but for the most part these accidents should be attributed to the arrogance of many others who consider that they are the only ones on the road.
Losing a crew member in a preventable accident is hard to accept.
You point out the enormous effect a preventable serious or fatal accident would have on his family and grandchildren, and the kin and friends of strangers.
An award known as the Millionaires Program was created by the carrier to recognize drivers who have driven at least one million miles without a preventable accident.
When coupled with driver panic, they may also result in dangerous but preventable accidents.