According to some outside observers, it is intended to prevent internal dissident and military uprisings.
To prevent further uprisings he introduced countrywide policing on a local basis, appointing Lords Lieutenants who were in close contact with the central authority.
It also means he'll never die, except by natural causes, and even then his death will be concealed to prevent uprisings.
Hoping to prevent further uprisings, the United States decided to strengthen its military presence in the region after the Winnebago War.
Viceroy Garibay's actions prevented criminal uprisings and most likely saved many lives.
New York City's top jail official unveiled a plan yesterday to prevent or suppress uprisings by inmates at the city's 16 prisons.
He was adored by his soldiers, often fraternising with them, and generally successful in combatting the highlanders of Dagestan, but failed to prevent multiple uprisings.
Tokugawa allowed this because he wished to appease the Shimazu and prevent potential uprisings after their loss at Sekigahara.
He had already been killed but was drowned as an example to prevent similar uprisings.
The main purpose of the force during the early 1910s was not to police Northern Rhodesia's towns, but rather to prevent and combat potential uprisings.