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Cleaning your teeth can help to prevent ulcers - the duodenal kind.
Cigarettes, according to China's tobacco authorities, are an excellent way to prevent ulcers.
Some doctors recommend a teaspoon a day to prevent ulcers.
But they are facing a new challenge: Ulcer researchers recently reported some success in using a combination of antibiotics to prevent ulcers.
Or your doctor may prescribe a medicine that you take each day to help prevent ulcers.
Prompt, early attention by an ophthalmologist for an eye infection may prevent ulcers from forming.
Improving hygiene and nutrition may help to prevent tropical ulcers.
It may be used to prevent intestinal ulcers from returning after treatment.
Remember that no surgery can completely prevent ulcers from returning.
She had been taking medicine recently to prevent ulcers, but it was woefully inadequate against this kind of assault.