Poor workplace design and inflexible working practices are more likely than age to prevent staff from being fully effective.
Beachum obtains a court order and arrives at the hospital but is unable to prevent staff turning off Jennifer's life support.
There are no rules preventing staff at the Houses of Parliament from changing Wikipedia entries.
What errors or software bugs are preventing staff from doing their job?
This resulted in the platforms being separated by railings to prevent passengers and staff falling off one onto the other.
You want to prevent system administrators and staff who have physical access to the server from copying the database and getting access to sensitive data.
Can they sell it, amend it or even prevent staff or customers from accessing it?
I was pleased the King's Fund has recognised the racism and blockages which prevent black staff moving into management (News, 11 March).
Companies face prosecution for the first time for failing to prevent staff or agents based anywhere in the world from offering bribes.
"Bunkers prevent staff from being killed."