However, imprisonment of those favoring secession and Federal occupations of Maryland cities prevented secession.
We are ordered on a diplomatic mission to pay our respects, and prevent secession.
"As Ambassador Plenipotentiary," Spock said, "you are ordered to prevent secession, if possible, but at all costs to prevent war."
Prime minister Ismael Azhari described this as seditious talk and threatened to use force to prevent secession.
Third, the threat of further fragmentation of the northern part of the country motivated federal intervention to prevent secession.
By a vote of 92 to 65, the group rejected the resolution denouncing Federal coercion to prevent secession.
In 1862, the Senate debated a measure of "condemnation and censure" against Buchanan for his failure to prevent secession.
Prime minister Azhari described this as seditious talk and threatened to use force to prevent secession from Sudan by the south.
From the Herald of November 24, "We have no desire to prevent secession by coercion."
Is there such perfect identity of interests among the States to compose a new Union as to produce harmony only, and prevent renewed secession?