It also prevents accidental scratches and subsequent read errors.
It has a clamshell cover which can be used to prevent scratches and is slightly larger than the original Miuchiz.
Though an anti-scratch coating is not 100% scratch-proof, it helps to prevent minor scratches that can easily happen to a regular lens.
Storing: If the pans are nested one on top of the other, the manufacturer recommends placing a paper towel between each pan to prevent scratches.
Cover the floor and heating or air-conditioning registers and add cardboard or plywood panels next to the wall to prevent scratches.
The metal frame is supposed to prevent scratches on both display and keypad.
Airbus has installed padding on the underside of the bridge to prevent accidental scratches.
The paint used prevents scratches, for example.
On all connectors, cleaning the ceramic ferrule before each connection helps prevent scratches and extends the connector life substantially.
Both models, which can be customized, come with flocked interiors to prevent scratches.