Use the minimum amount of water needed when you wash your car to prevent waste and runoff.
Forests provide wildlife with a suitable habitat for living along with filtering groundwater and preventing runoff.
To prevent runoff, the operator has to build a berm to pitch the grade away from the creek.
The farmer leaves some crop reside from the previous planting in the ground to help prevent runoff during the planting process.
When not directly in an agricultural field they are a benefit to humans by enriching soil and preventing runoff.
Estimate the spread of the branches and every week apply a half gallon of water per square foot, watering slowly to prevent runoff.
Such exemptions would directly counteract the intent of a buffer zone, he said, which is to prevent harmful runoff from buildings and parking lots.
For example, a project might encourage landowners in a large area to prevent polluted runoff from damaging stretches of the river where rare mussels live.
The flatness of the area prevented runoff during rainstorms and caused cars to hydroplane.
In 1995, the state banned the spreading of manure from December 15 to April 1, to prevent runoff and protect the water.