This was intended to reduce heat from the sun, blocking the harsh sunlight and preventing rainwater from pouring in between the pillars.
Buckets were positioned under leaks to prevent rainwater damaging the main reception rooms.
The agency is demanding a more costly synthetic cap that would prevent rainwater from permeating the soil and causing further runoff.
The lid over the entrance, the operculum, prevents rainwater entering the pitcher and thus diluting the digestive enzymes inside.
To prevent rainwater accumulating in the thatch, the roofs have a very steep pitch.
There is a circular drain around the top tier foundation to prevent rainwater from damaging the tulou wall.
Use an enclosed, proprietary tank system or roof over an open bund to prevent rainwater collecting.
This extra extension will prevent rainwater from undercutting the slab during heavy storms.
Ruts prevent rainwater from flowing to the side of the road into ditches or gutters.
The cap is designed to prevent rainwater from percolating down through the garbage and carrying contaminants into the river or surrounding ecosystems.