This prevents predators from swallowing them or pulling them out of their holes.
This leaping locomotion may help prevent predators from following the snail's chemical traces, which would otherwise leave a continuous trail on the substrate.
Alarming another bird by giving a warning call tends to prevent predators from specializing on the caller's species and locality.
Females will also eat their dead young in the wild to prevent predators detecting them.
Nests may be 14 meters above the ground and are sometimes built far out on long branches to prevent predators from reaching them.
Treehoppers mimic thorns to prevent predators from spotting them.
It is not unheard of to see a female ratfish swimming around her newly laid eggs, in hopes of preventing predators from finding them.
They use these defensively, either to wedge themselves into cracks from which predators cannot pull them, or else to prevent large predators from swallowing them.
They have placed tin flashing around tree trunks to prevent raccoons and other predators from raiding nests and eating eggs.
Often windrows are used on a concrete surface to prevent predators from gaining access to the worm population.