And it would not prevent interested parties from sitting on the peer review panels established to examine those risk assessments.
The third exception is used to prevent parties who have lost in federal litigation from seeking hearing of their cases in state court.
One significant reason for the proposed law was to prevent small parties from taking on an importance out of proportion to their electoral power.
In fact, its objective is to prevent political parties from winning.
He blamed an electoral system that allowed for too many candidates to run and prevented political parties from emerging as strong entities.
The 5% clause has been introduced in Germany since then to prevent small parties joining together and destabilising the system.
The owner may prevent other parties from using the trademark on competing products.
The purpose of encryption is to prevent third parties from recovering the original information.
A cornice on the summit may prevent parties from reaching the top so if in doubt of conditions, attempts should wait until August.
The action, pending Supreme Court review, will prevent political parties from collecting soft money.